8 Cybersecurity Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Today, every business is unfortunately vulnerable to cyberattacks. Yet, many entrepreneurs don’t realize just how common cyberattacks are. This is especially true for business owners running small to midsize companies, as they might think that their companies are not big enough or profitable enough to attract attention from cyberattackers. But now, every company should place a high priority on cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity can be easily implemented if you invest properly in the necessary training, software, and tools for protection. Companies can start by checking out the best encrypted cloud storage in the market—most of them include a free trial anyway. And after all, data is at the heart of every organization, so it should be worth it to allocate some budget in that area.

You can find expert tips and advice on digital security at RushRadar! Furthermore, here are a few common mistakes that many business owners make when it comes to cybersecurity, as well as guidance on avoiding these pitfalls.

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    Cybersecurity Mistakes

    #1 Assuming Your Company Isn’t a Target

    Perhaps you haven’t developed any sort of cybersecurity strategy yet because you’ve always assumed that your business was safe, this is the first on the list of cybersecurity mistakes. But cyber attackers don’t just target large corporations, banks, or major tech companies - even very small businesses or freelance individuals can become victims of cyberattacks. Therefore, it’s important to be realistic about the fact that your company could indeed become a target and prepare accordingly.

    #2 Trying to Handle Security on Your Own

    Maybe you are aware that every business should have a cybersecurity strategy in place, regardless of its size - but rather than turning to IT professionals for support, you’re trying to handle cybersecurity responsibilities for your company by yourself. Unless you formerly worked in cybersecurity, and you have the skill set and time to manage these tasks on your own, it’s almost always a good idea to delegate these projects to a cybersecurity specialist. You may want to hire an internal IT specialist or outsource your cybersecurity projects to an IT support agency. Let's keep going on our list of most common cybersecurity mistakes.

    #3 Not Training Your Employees

    Yes, your employees might be relatively tech-savvy, but that doesn’t mean they’re acquainted with the finer points of cybersecurity. If you haven’t specifically trained your employees on basic cybersecurity protections, it’s time to start. You might benefit from hiring a cybersecurity expert to lead this training. Furthermore, it’s a good idea to host future training periodically. For example, if you begin using a new software program, you’ll want to train your employees on security for that program. Additionally, whenever you update your cybersecurity strategy, let your employees know what changes they can expect to see and what you’ll need in terms of their participation.

    #4 No Data Backup

    You probably rely on large amounts of data to run your business - and the odds are that you would strongly prefer for this data to remain secure and private. But do you have a reliable backup system for your data in place? If your company becomes the victim of a cyberattack, your essential data could be corrupted or deleted. Therefore, you need to back up your data in advance. To accomplish this, Eire recommends using a cloud backup system as well as a physical, external hard drive. You may even want to use USB drives for further protection. Maintaining multiple backup sites is key!

    #5 Using Outdated Software

    When was the last time you ran an “audit” of your company’s software programs? If you’re using outdated software, it may not feature the robust security protections that businesses need in this day and age. It’s true that updating your software programs to the latest versions, or even migrating your company’s data to entirely new software programs, can be time-consuming and expensive. But continuing to use outdated software can pose a major security risk, and if you suffer a data breach because of it, the costs will certainly add up. Therefore, purchasing new software with stronger security protections can be a great investment.

    #6 Leaving Documents Unprotected

    Chances are, you need to email key PDF documents to your employees, clients, and vendors on a near-daily basis. But if you’re sending these PDFs without implementing any specific protections, you can’t be certain that the information they contain won’t end up in the wrong hands. In order to keep your sensitive files truly safe, you need to use a program that allows you to keep your PDFs password-protected.

    One way to simplify this process? Before sending multiple PDFs as separate documents, combine them into one file, and then set the password. This will save time for both you and the recipient. You can use a tool to merge PDF​ files to complete this task and then move each page into the right order.

    #7 Failing to Update Passwords

    In addition to password-protecting important documents, it’s important to establish a strong password strategy that will keep your business secure. Perhaps you haven’t given your employees any rules for creating passwords, or maybe you don’t require your team to update their passwords on a regular basis. As part of your cybersecurity training, you can educate your employees on what constitutes a strong password and implement new password creation rules. Additionally, you can require that team members update their passwords frequently to further enhance security. You may want to use a password manager program to help people keep track of their information, especially if you’ll be requiring regular password changes.

    #8 Lacking a Recovery Plan

    What would you do if a cyberattack hit your company? Even if you have a great preventative strategy, experienced cyberattackers can identify security weaknesses and slip through the cracks. Some business owners only consider cybersecurity protections, while ignoring the very real possibility that these protections could be breached—and when this happens, they don’t have a recovery plan in place, that's a big cybersecurity mistake that you should avoid.

    Talk to your IT specialists about putting together a recovery plan if your company’s security is compromised. Insureon recommends assessing possible threats, deciding on workable responses, and creating a realistic recovery timeline. An IT specialist can help you create a roadmap for steps to take in the aftermath of a cyberattack, from deploying your backup data to getting crucial systems back online.

    If you’re not familiar with basic cybersecurity principles, figuring out how to protect your company’s data can seem complicated. But by brushing up on core digital and cyber security concepts and hiring qualified IT support specialists, you can protect your company from cyberattacks. After implementing some of these recommendations, you’ll be able to move your business forward without encountering security disruptions.

    Want to improve your company’s cybersecurity strategy? Turn to RushRadar for essential education! Subscribe to our newsletter today for the latest cybersecurity updates.

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    As a filmmaker with extensive experience across multiple areas of content creation, my work has been featured internationally, and I’ve had the honor of serving as both a speaker and jury member at numerous prestigious events. However, in recent years, I’ve grown increasingly disillusioned with the direction of the art world, prompting a shift in my focus toward disciplines I believe will be pivotal for the future: cybersecurity, self-education, web design, and investing. These interests have culminated in the launch of RushRadar, a platform dedicated to exploring these vital topics and empowering others to navigate the evolving digital landscape.

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